Health Works

Bamboo Sticks

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Warm Bamboo Stick Massage uses solid bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters to massage the body. The sticks are gently warmed and applied to give deep and long massage strokes to break down tension and stretch tight muscles.

Get Rid Of Stress

The body's natural reaction to stress, be it physical, mental or emotional, is to tense up and get ready for 'fight or flight'. Chronic tension causes muscles to knot up. A dull ache can eventually lead to pain as muscles become less flexible and more prone to injury.

Warm Bamboo Massage can reverse the stress-cycle. It's the perfect antidote to pain and tension.

Don't let pain keep you from doing the things you enjoy

  • Do you ever suffer from sore muscles, neck, back or shoulder pain?
  • Are you losing flexibility as you get older?
  • Do you engage in sports activities and would like to stay in top shape?
  • Have you had a painful injury?
  • Has your energy deserted you?
  • Is stress getting the best of you?
  • Do you need a break?

Girl having a bamboo leg rub

Warm Bamboo makes life feel better!

  • Melt away stubborn knots and tension
  • Alleviate back and shoulder pain
  • Increase joint and muscle flexibility
  • Improve sports performance and endurance
  • Decrease pain and healing time for injuries
  • Increase energy and vitality
  • Soothe away stress
  • Improve overall health and well-being

Renew your body and calm your mind

Originally from Asia and gaining popularity in the UK, this new therapy is wonderful to have if you like deep tissue work. It will leaves you feeling relaxed and energised and with a sense that your muscles have been stretched, warmed and elongated.

This treatment especially works well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band. It is also of great benefit to anyone suffering from shortened muscles due to postural imbalances.

Warm bamboo massage is a unique new way to relax tight muscles and release stress and tension and improve sports performance. If you like deep tissue work, this treatment is for you.

Girl having a bamboo shoulder rub

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